


英文原文(接在中譯文的後面):2012年馬來西亞斷食營學員 - 明(大學副教授)


  在七天的排毒課程之後,不得不說我感覺很好。有好長的一段時間,我不曾感覺到這樣的好。結束斷食營活動,返家後的隔天早上,經過一晚香甜的睡眠之後,我自然地甦醒,感覺到自己的身體很輕盈,心靈和耳朵是如此的清晰。當我發現到自己身體是這麼輕盈的時候,在床上翻過身並且將腳放在地板上。在開始邁步往洗手間時,我感覺自己正在地球上做Michael Jackson月球漫步”(    ),我的步伐是如此輕盈,好酷哦!

  約在兩年前,我被診斷出膽固醇過高(整體的數值是7.1),還有輕微的高血壓那時, 我的生活太忙亂了,我母親因為中風住院將近四個月,我必需在工作與醫院之間奔波  健康保險主治醫師知道我無法改變生活方式之後,便針對我的高膽固醇安排了藥物治療經過六個月的藥物治療之後,膽固醇的數值降至5.2,我自行停止了藥物治療,因為服用那些藥物之後,我感覺並不好而且,我不願意在生活中依賴藥物約在11年前,我曾經體驗過由雷肯博士所舉辦為期六天的斷食營,就某方面來說,我是認同自然/自我療癒的理念,於是我試著注意自己的體重,透過減少肉類和海鮮的攝取,並且做一些運動  例如:傍晚的時候在家附近的湖邊散步,還有做一些伸展運動。然而,六個月前,我被診斷出有高血壓,這次的數值約在140+/90


  西醫得知我的家族醫療史後,便立即為我的高血壓安排藥物治療此外,我也發現我左手的大拇指和中指在早晨的時候是僵硬的,還有經常地感受到僵硬的脖子和肩膀的不舒服/疼痛,我很容易覺得疲倦和瞌睡有的時候,我很難入睡,還有更年期的前兆今年的二月份,超音波顯示我有三顆纖維瘤,血液的檢查結果也顯示我的肝臟功能不太好,那位女醫師說"妳的肝臟正在哭泣", 妳必需  X....還有Y...來排肝毒"現在如你所知,我的身體正傳送訊號, 我身體的某些地方不太對勁,我接著想到中國傳統的治療法,例如:針灸拔罐推拿,還有尋求中藥的治療因而,我同時接受西醫和中醫的藥物治療,然而,不管是新穎的藥或一般的藥物,在內心深處,我知道無論所有的藥物多有效,都只有片面的效果中國有句諺語“是藥三分毒”,我堅信這句話

  報名參加七天的排毒課程,是我今生為自己所做的最好決定,為了這個美好的緣份,我感恩菩薩,這是意料之外的,也是出於自願的。還有感謝我的朋友 (麗萍) 發送這個郵件給我,並且感謝自己能在學期中最繁忙的行程表中,下決心找出時間前去斷食營。當我不在家的時間,我也感謝妹妹幫佣的支持

  在排毒課程的第二天(201263),簡短地請教了蘇老師之後,我決定不服用任何藥物,因為我想要一個完整的排毒與清淨的體驗排毒期間,我的血壓是正常的,不僅血壓是正常的,還發現自己的心跳速度,跳的比較快一些,大約在70下以上我的心跳速度在過去是偏慢的,約60下,有的時候,還慢到55以下的情形我得知心跳速度的正常範圍,一般來說應該在60100至今(2012621),我仍未服用任何藥物,  每天都量自己的血壓,到現在為止,血壓是正常的,頭和耳朵很清盈和清楚我可以工作和思考的更好每當工作時,感覺自己的頭好重而且備感壓力,我就會練習深呼吸,放慢自己並且試著放鬆每天早上,我大約喝下一公升左右的神奇果汁(檸檬水加鹽)上個星期天,因應要求,我做了兩公升的神奇果汁給我妹妹喝,讓她體驗一下"一瀉千里"的暢快 (哈哈哈)的確,是她要求(要喝檸檬鹽水), 不是我强迫她傍晚, 我把電視關,不再留連電視節目,在週間的日子,我幾乎每天都設法找出時間練習瑜珈靜坐和沿著湖邊散步

  同時,對於食物和水的飲用瑜珈靜坐和有關健康的生活,概念上,我也得到一個更好的理解還有,臉部與身體的泥敷,以及結腸的清潔對我來說都是新的體驗我認為所有女士都愛上了泥敷。至於,結腸的清潔,剛開始的時候,我對於做這個有點懷疑和恐懼,但在第四個晚上我們做了(結腸的清潔)之後,那是一種很好、很棒的體驗, 進行結腸的清潔是如此容易,如同ABC字母一樣的容易, 現在,當我產生這個需求的時候, 我會自己在家練習結腸的清潔

  我也必須承認,在這七天中,學習很多 也獲益良多不僅是我體驗到排毒的好處(腰圍縮減了約十公分,臀圍減少了8公分,體重少了約3.2公斤, 還有許多在我內臟器官的過量脂肪已被燃燒或沖刷掉了)我發現自己的身材和二十多年前是一樣的,在排毒之後,不僅身體是清淨與苗條的,我的靈魂和精神也提昇了我覺得自己獲得生存的技巧-  活得更健全更快樂,以及有益健康的技巧

  做為一個講師,有時候,我發現其他人無法合宜地教導或傳遞課程內容經常地,在許多公眾的演講和研討會中,我覺得好無聊但,我十分享受蘇老師的課程,他很好風趣  和幽默,他可將事情用簡單與容易明白的方式來表現,以啟發和深化我們的理解在思慮上,他冷靜與平靜,而且有能力吸引學員們進入一種智性與富有意義的討論中他是我的榜樣,從蘇老師的身上可以學習良多,我告訴自己-必需要像他(蘇老師 )這樣冷靜與平靜來傳授課程內容。   


  最後,我想要感謝所有的參與者  李小姐  Ivy 和志工們 (雪兒)不間斷的支持  特別感謝蘇媽媽美味的廚藝 、早晨帶領的運動、拍打、她美妙的歌聲、充滿笑意的臉龐,還有體貼與慈愛的關懷。





My detox experience (Ming from Malaysia)                                
Dated: 21 June 2012


  I must say ‘I feel good’ after the 7 days detox program. For a long time, I never felt this good. The next morning (9 June 2012), after returned home from the detox camp, when I woke up naturally after a good night sleep, I felt my body light, my mind and ears were so clear.  I felt the lightness of my body the moment I rolled over my bed and put my foot down on the floor. When I made my steps to the bathroom, I felt like I was doing Michael Jackson’s ‘moon walking’ on earth (ha ha ha…), my steps were so light, so cool…

  About two years ago, I was diagnosed with high cholesterol (the total reading was 7.1) and mild hypertension. I have had a hectic life then; I need to juggle between work and hospital because my mum was hospitalized for four months due to stroke. Knowing that I can’t change my life style, the university’s panel doctor put me on medication to treat high cholesterol. After 6 months of medication, the reading went down to 5.2; I stopped the medication myself because I don’t feel good after taking the medication. I also don’t want to be depending on medication for life. I had been through a 6 days fasting camp run by Dr Ray Kent about 11 years ago, I somehow subscribe to the notion of natural/self healing, I then tried to watch my diet, by cutting down meat and sea food and to do a bit of exercise, like walking in the lake near my house in the evening and do some stretching exercises. Then, six month ago, I was diagnosed with hypertension. This time the reading was about 140+/90.

  Both my parents have hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetics. In fact, in February 2008, my mum had a brain surgery due to hemorrhage (she was 67 years old). Six months later, in late August 2008, my dad passed away due to a heart attack (he was 67 then). Two years after the brain surgery, in April 2010, my mum had a stroke and she was bed ridden since. Today, when assisted, my mum could make small steps, but she still can’t walk on her own and she needs long term care.

  The western doctor learned about my family medical history and immediately she put me on medication for hypertension. Beside this, I also found my left thumb and index finger on my left hand side are stiff in the morning, I also experience stiff neck and shoulder discomfort/pain from time to time, I felt tired easily and lethargic. Sometimes, I have difficulties to get into sleep and I have pre menopause symptoms. This February, the ultra sound test shows that I have three fibroids. The blood test result also showed that my liver function is not good, the lady doctor said ‘your liver is crying’, you must take “xxx plus xxx to detox”.  Now you see, my body is sending me signals that something is not right somewhere somehow, I then sought Chinese traditional treatment, like acupuncture, cupping and massage and of course resort to Chinese medications. So I have both western and Chinese medications, but deep down my heart, I know, all medications got side effect, no matter how effective they are, regardless of original tablets or generic ones. There is a Chinese saying, ‘30% of medication is poisonous’.  I strongly believe that.

  Signing up for the 7 days detox program was the best decision I have made for myself in this very life. I thank Buddha for this good affinity. It was by chance and also by choice. I thank my friend Lee Ping for forwarding the email to me, and thank myself for my determination to find time in the midst of busy schedule during the term to come to the detox camp. I also thank my sisters and maids for their supports while I was not at home.

  On the second day (3 June 2012) of the detox program, after consulting Teacher Su briefly, I decide not to take any medication, because I want a total detox and cleansing experience. In the detox period, my BP was normal.  Not only my BP is normal, I also discovered that my pulse rate is pounding faster, about 70+. Earlier, my pulse rate was slower, about 60, sometimes, as low as 55. I was told that the normal range for pulse should be 60 to 100 as a rule of thumb. To date (21 June 2012), I am still off any medication, I measure my BP daily, thus far, my BP is normal, my head and ears are light and clear. I could work and think better. At work, whenever, I feel my head is heavy and I am stressed up, I will practice deep breathing, slow down and try to relax. Every morning, I drink about one litre of the miracle juice (lemon juice plus salt). Last Sunday, upon request, I made 2 litres of miracle juice for my younger sister to drink, to let her experience the joy of ‘purging for one thousand miles’ (ha ha ha).  Yes, she asked for it and she got it. By switching off TV in the evening, I managed to find time to practice yoga, meditation and walking by the lake almost daily on week days. I also have a better conceptual understanding about food and water consumptions, yoga, meditation, and about healthy living. Oh yes, the mud facial and body treatment and colon cleansing are new experience for me.  I suppose all ladies were head over toes about the mud facial and body treatment. As for the colon cleansing, at first, my friend and I were a bit skeptical and apprehensive to do it, but after we did it on the 4th night, it was a good and wonderful experience. It is so easy to do colon cleansing, as easy as ABC. Now, I practice colon cleansing at home from time to time when the needs arise.

  I have the thoughts of becoming a vegetarian for a long time, since the detox camp, I have abstained from eating meat and I decided to be a vegetarian from now on. I told my sister about my decision and she has supported me.

  I must also admit that I have learnt and benefited much in this 7 days, not only I experienced the benefits of detox (my waist has trimmed by 10 cm, my buttock reduced by 8 cm, weight loss about 3.2 kg and much excess fat in my internal organs had been burnt or flushed out ). I found my body figure is the same as I was twenty plus years ago.  After the detox, not only my body is cleansed and slimmed, my soul and spirit have also lifted. I felt that I have acquired new living skills, skills to live healthily, happily and wholesomely.

  Being a lecturer myself, sometimes, I found that other people cannot teach or deliver the lecture properly. Very often, I felt bored as an audience in public lectures and seminars; but I enjoyed Teacher Su’s lectures; he was good, witty and humorous. He could put things in a simple and easy to understand manner to enlighten and deepen our understanding. He was cold and calm in deliberation and able to engage students in intellectual and meaningful discussion. He is my role model; much can be learned from a teacher like him.  I told myself, I need to be more calm and cool in delivering my lectures like him.  

  I also like the yoga postures that he taught us, they are so simple, easy to remember, easy to do, practical, meaningful and effective postures. With more practice at home, I could now do most of the postures. As for the meditation, I must say I found that the verses recited by Teacher Su are so profound…

  Lastly, I would like to thank all the participants, Ms Lee, Ivy and the volunteer workers Ah Nee and Ah Ngor for their relentless supports. My special thanks go to Su mama for her delicious cooking, morning exercise, Pai Ta, her beautiful sound of music, smiling face and her tender loving care.


    創作者 蘇老師瑜珈斷食營 的頭像


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